Calgary Study Group Pilot update

Dear fellow AGNA members,

As many of you may recall, our Calgary Chapter offered a small Gerontological Certification study group this fall, trialling an online meeting form as an option for our participants.  I am happy to report that this worked better than we had hoped, and over the course of two months, we were able to offer study group meetings both in person or online.

Although we only offered this to Calgary members to ensure we could test this system, word got out and we were joined by 3 more group members that logged in from other towns and cities.  We plan to offer a more detailed report with members and Chapter Executives across the province in future months, but ask you to think of our study group members at this time.

It is a significant undertaking to prepare for this exam, and many of us do this alone.  (If you wrote the exam in May 2018, don't forget the deadline to apply to ARNET for fees reimbursement is November 30th.)  Even for seasoned practitioners, it can be nerve wracking!  Half of our group members have now written the exam and the others will write in this week.  There is then a three week waiting period before they know whether they have gained their Certification in Gerontology.

Please keep these nine nurses, (and any nurses who prepared on their own,) in your thoughts, as they work for this achievement in our shared specialization.  How reassuring to know that the commitment to expert practice and knowledge are alive and well in our community of practice!

If you would like to send them a message, please email your thoughts to, and we will pass this on.

An update will be shared in late December, after our members receive their exam results.  Please consider whether you are interested in supporting a study group in the New Year, as the next exam period is in May!


Kelly Baskerville and Sandra Stone,

Calgary Certification Study Group Facilitators

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